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Monday, July 5, 2010

Craft Room Makeover!

So I've been addicted to Freecycle lately. Freecycle is a website where you can post stuff that you want to get rid of, and then someone can contact you and come get it...for FREE. I found a sewing machine and an awesome desk on freecycle; feels so good to get stuff for free. Both items were from nice families here in Madison.

Warning:Use Freecycle with extreme caution! Bring someone with you (preferably a guy) just in case things get weird. Jimmy made sure that I didn't end up chopped up in someone's basement. :)

Anyway, the addition of the sewing machine and the desk gave me an excuse to give my crafty room a little makeover. I will probably be making some decorations in the future, but for now, plain yellow walls are enough!

Here are the photos:

Before: One desk, one hobby. The addition of new hobbies requires more surface area to work on!

After: Two desks, too many hobbies!

I built this light box a few weeks ago. It only cost a few bucks to make! Just had to cut out three sides of a box with a razor blade, cover the holes with tissue paper, and hang white posterboard in the box. It makes my pictures look really nice! I plan to replace all my current Etsy photos with light box photos soon; but we all know how lazy I am....

My new desk and sewing machine!

The little crochet corner of my desk.

My new (very old) sewing machine. This thing is ancient, but it still runs beautifully! I still can't believe I got it free! :)

So the previous blog entry showed Pepper in a fabulous tutu. Well, I made a matching one for me. It's super duper fluffy! I plan to put tutus on my Etsy page soon!

And of course my good ol' desk from the high school days! Perfect size for my clay stuff!

I hope you enjoyed all the pictures! After giving a makeover to my crafty room I felt inspired to give a makeover to the blog. It looks nice, don't you think?

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