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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

"I hope you don't need stitches..."

I started making stuff with my clay the day after Christmas, or maybe even the day after that. Jimmy warned me at least twice, "Be careful with those razor blades!" I was being careful (at first).

Jimmy was sitting downstairs reading when all of the sudden he hears me yell, "I'm bleeding!" or "There's blood!" something like that. I don't remember, I was frantic! I had sliced the tip of my right index finger! He came upstairs and helped me clean it, put some neosporin on it, and put a band-aid on it. It still kind hurts if I push on it and it's January 5th! It looks healed on the outside, but I guess the inside is still sore?

Polymer clay is a dangerous hobby! I just can't believe that on my first day of using it, Jimmy had to say "I hope you don't need stitches."

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