Currently on my Etsy page! Check out my Etsy store for even more stuff!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Key Lime Pie

For Sierra's birthday!

Really excited for making my first citrus fruit out of clay. It took forever, but I think the lime slices came out really good!

Delicious key lime pie with whipped cream and a lime twist! I'm not a key lime pie fan, but this looks delicious!!!

Another view of the pie. Getting those tiny little thin lime slices not to rip completely apart was torture, so I'm VERY happy that they turned out well!

Valentine's Cupcakes

Valentine's Day is my excuse to use lots of pink and glitter...

Vanilla cupcake with pink glitter frosting.

Red velvet cupcake with glittery cream cheese icing. Makes me hungry!!!


I know that gummy bears only come in traditional red, orange, yellow, green, and clear. To me, that's BORING! So I made some super duper neon bears, and even some glittery bears!

Hot pink, orange, yellow, lime green, turqoise, and purple!

The Barbie Bears: PINK GLITTER!!!!

These Donuts Make You GO NUTS!

Mmmmmm donuts.....

Neon rainbow sprinkles!

Barbie donuts: Pink icing with pink glitter!!!

Lollipop! *POP* Ba dum dum dum...

You know you want a delicious lollipop necklace with matching earrings!!!!!

Humpty Dumpty Sat on a Wall....

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the King's horses and all the King's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again.

This is what happened to the poor thing:

Busy Bee

I have been a busy little bee this weekend! I made a lot of new stuff, and I think it all came out pretty well. I think I need to take a break (at least 3 days) because my fingers HURT!

No I did not cut myself again! They just hurt because I've been picking up little pieces of metal, blending clay colors, etc. Occupational hazard, I guess.....

Here's a pic of most of the stuff I did this weekend. Since Valentine's Day is coming up, I used a LOT of two of my favorite things: pink and glitter!

I'll upload all the close-ups next!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

An army of gummy bears!

Gummy bears in an assortment of colors! One green one has been transformed into a keychain for Jimmy. I think I'll make one into a necklace for myself, but I'm not sure which color I want yet...I'm leaning toward orange, yellow, or red....we'll see!

White, blue, and purple gummy bears? I've never seen real gummy bears in those colors but who cares!

The one on the top right is my best attempt at a clear (pineapple) bear. I used "translucent" clay. It looks white before baking and turns pinkish after baking. Not very translucent, huh? Oh well!


It took me a while to decide what I wanted for myself. There's so many desserts that I like to eat! I decided to go with my favorite donut: white cake, white frosting, and rainbow sprinkles!

For Gaby!

Jimmy's mom is a fan of flan, so I decided to give it a try!

For Mom!

A delicious cherry pie!

For Kenya!

Strawberry cheesecake for my sister! While making the strawberry sauce drizzle, I was literally drooling. Looks so yummy!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Happy Birthday to Jessica!

Sushi for my sushi-loving friend Jessica! It's a California roll, so it contains crab (red/white), avocado (light green/dark green), and cucumber (see-through green). Of course there has to be rice and nori (black seaweed wrap)!

This was the first thing I made with polymer clay so I accidently over did it! I made like 9 necklaces, 4 pairs of dangly earrings, and 12 pairs of posts!

Happy birthday Jessica! I hope you enjoy your stuff!


"I hope you don't need stitches..."

I started making stuff with my clay the day after Christmas, or maybe even the day after that. Jimmy warned me at least twice, "Be careful with those razor blades!" I was being careful (at first).

Jimmy was sitting downstairs reading when all of the sudden he hears me yell, "I'm bleeding!" or "There's blood!" something like that. I don't remember, I was frantic! I had sliced the tip of my right index finger! He came upstairs and helped me clean it, put some neosporin on it, and put a band-aid on it. It still kind hurts if I push on it and it's January 5th! It looks healed on the outside, but I guess the inside is still sore?

Polymer clay is a dangerous hobby! I just can't believe that on my first day of using it, Jimmy had to say "I hope you don't need stitches."