Currently on my Etsy page! Check out my Etsy store for even more stuff!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

New Chocolates!

Someone on Etsy bought one of my custom chocolates! She told me that she likes chocolate buttercreams and chocolates with raspberry filling. She said she likes sprinkles, but that drizzle would be fine too...

This is what I came up with:
I wonder which one she will like the best!

Here is a photo of all the chocolates that I currently have. They make me hungry!

Monday, August 9, 2010


Here is a photo that Pete and Lea sent of baby Luna wearing her bear stuff! She's so cute!!!! I can't wait to meet her!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Hat and Cowl for the Fall!

I made these for myself a couple of months ago when I started missing the snow. I can't wait for it to get cold so I can wear them! I absolutely love the yarn that I used on these...they are super soft and warm!

I am going to put these up on my Etsy!


New hat photos! I decided that maybe these things may sell better if there were pictures on a real human rather than just my creepy mannequin head. We'll see how this goes!

I made a dress!

I got a new sewing machine off of Freecycle, and it runs extremely well! After getting it, I started working on this: 

I think it came out pretty well! I made a headband to match, but I forgot to take a picture with it on...oh well!

Tutus look better on my cat.

Human sized tutu NUMERO UNO!

PS: I had on shorts underneath!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

New Stuff

New stuff! WHOOOOO!!!

Peas on Earth; inspired by Matt and Dana!

Tasty Pincushions!