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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Another Weekend of Productivity!

Spent another weekend working hard on jewelry stuff! Here is what I made:

Little cheeseburgers!!!!

These cheeseburgers are Pepper approved!

Donut holes to match the regular donuts! A friend requested that I make donut holes so that she can keep the donut for herself, and give the donut hole to her best friend. I thought it was a really great idea!

Cinnamon roll! Yummy! The brown filling that is rolled up between the "dough" has real cinnamon baked into it so that it will smell good! It's not like a super-cinnamony scent... it's subtle, but satisfying!

Orange halves! These require some explanation! While thinking of good Best Friends necklace ideas (peanut butter and jelly, macaroni and cheese, peas and carrots....etc) I remembered the phrase "media naranja" from Spanish class in college. Media naranja means half orange if you translate it literally, but when people use the term they are using it to refer to soulmates. Saying media naranja is like saying "my other half" or "my better half". If you think of your love or relationship as the whole orange, you are half and your soulmate is the other half. Cute, huh?